The Brain Injury Association of New York State has a network of community-based chapters throughout New York State. Chapters provide an outlet for the brain injury community to gather and meet others going through similar circumstances in their local community. Chapters provide hope, information, personal growth opportunities, and advocacy for people with brain injury and their families and friends. BIANYS staff support these groups to strengthen their capabilities. Quite often, chapters meet monthly and often have guest speakers and, at times, organize recreational activities.

Presently, there are chapters in New York City and a virtual statewide chapter. To learn more about a chapter in your community, please contact the Chapter contact listed below, or contact Tory Chalmers at 518-459-7911 or

New York City Chapter*
3rd Saturday of each month, 1-3pm
83 Maiden Lane, Penthouse
New York, NY 10038
Contact: Tory Chalmers
Phone: 518-459-7911
Facilitator: Mauricio Blandino

*Pre-registration is required. Please contact Tory Chalmers for more information.

Statewide Chapter – Virtual
4th Thursday of each month, 6:30-8pm
Contact: Tory Chalmers
Phone: 518-459-7911

CLICK HERE to read the BIANYS Chapter Guidebook.