Training/Examination Announcement
Live Review: May 16, 2025
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
*Virtual Format*

 Presented by Karen Thomas, Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer

 This course is offered by the Brain Injury Association of New York State and is specifically designed to help you review material for the certification examination and to strengthen the network of dedicated, competent brain injury specialists across New York State.  Starting six weeks prior to the live review, participants will have access to weekly webinars, receive study tips, and detailed home study information that corresponds with the chapters in the Essential Brain Injury Study Guide.

Deadline for application and payment is March 21, 2025.

Cost: $275 for the one-day class, 6-week webinar/email study course, and one-on-one support from a Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer.

To register for a BIANYS CBIS review class, all forms and payment go to BIANYS, not ACBIS.

To apply:

  • Request an application from Karen Thomas via email
  • Mail or e mail your application and payment to BIANYS.
  • Checks should be made out to the Brain Injury Association of New York State and sent to:

Brain Injury Association of New York State
Attn: Karen Thomas
5 Pine West Plaza, Suite 506
Albany, NY 12205

  • Credit card payments should contact us at 518-459-7911.
  • Email to complete the registration process or with questions

BIANYS will send you a confirmation email within 5 business days of receipt of your completed registration and payment, which should be sent in no later than March 21, 2025.  The purchase of the study guide and application to ACBIS is the responsibility of the individual.

To view the CBIS flyer, please click here.

REQUIREMENTS: Please review requirements at to learn more about the CBIS certification.  Applicants must have had 500 hours of currently verifiable direct contact experience with people with brain injury.  Experience can be paid employment and/or academic internship.  Qualifying experience must include formal supervision or have been conducted while the applicant operated under a professional license. Volunteer work and other personal experience does not qualify.  Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent.